I love framing quotes and using them to give to community members at feast or when we go on home visits. The children can also take the framed quotes home and decorate their room.
The quote that I choose is from Tablet of the World from Dr. J. E. Esslemont, Baha'u'llah and the New Era, pg 75.
The Tongue of Grandeur hath ... in the day of His manifestation proclaimed: `It is not his to boast who loveth his country, but it is his who loveth the world.'
The quote is showed completed in the small image on the right side. The pieces to cut out are: the frame, the hearts and the quote. You can also use heart sticker instead of the printed ones and gems or sequences.
Note that the frame has a white section to cut out and the quote is stuck to the back of the frame and shows through the opening. If needed, this can be done before the feast.

The introduction and flow of the children activities can be found here.