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Feast of Beauty/Jámal

Carolyn Moshtagh

One of the activities I plan for the feast uses a lapbook. This is a resource teachers use to help children absorb complex ideas or lots of information. I personally love lapbooks because they are just like mini albums and I love mini albums. For this exercise, I am using just one of the many different styles of lapbooks available.

Taking the quotes, I broke them down into smaller sections and I tried to find images/symbols/emoji to explain certain words or concepts. I hope that by doing this it will make it easier for the child to recognize and even learn the quote.

Included in this post is a blank template at the end to create your own lapbook.


Here is the front of the lapbook for preschool.


Print and glue under each flap: from left to right: Prayer (hands with 9 pointed star and greatest name), Strive (man with dumb bell), Feast of beauty (Jámal), Actions (stick figures). The full quote goes on the inside.


This is the Lapbook for Kindergarten.



Glued to the inside of the flaps: Note that I printed the faces on sticker paper and the children can choose the face they like to stick.



Template: write your own quote. The dashed lines are for folding the straight lines are cut.

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