I am starting to compile the activities for the Feast of Beauty and thought that I would post the step by step instructions for one the activities.
Feedback from people who lead children activities either at the local children class level or at feasts seems to be one of being overwhelmed.
Since I try to give choices on how to complete an activity, I am posting the steps for using different materials: you choose which one you would like.

Feedback from people who lead children activities either at the local children class level or at feasts seems to be one of being overwhelmed.
Most of the time it is for one of two things that are overwhelming:
finding relevant material for the class and age group
Not comfortable enough to do an art/creative activity.
Today I am posting step by steps instructions for engraving, which is one of the activities in the resource for the Feast of Beauty. I am using the Hidden Word
O Son Of Man
Veiled in My Immemorial being and in the ancient eternity of my essence, I knew my love for thee; therefore I created thee, have engraved on thee Mine image and revealed to thee My beauty- Bahá’u’lláh
We will do an engraving using a piece of tin foil and paints as option one and a small piece of paper with crayons for option two. Prepare before the feast so that all the kids have to do is the activity and and not wait for paint to dry
1. Engraving Activity using tin foil.
What You Need:
Cardboard or cutting board per child
Tin foil
Tempera or acrylic paint (dark colours)
Liquid Dishwash soap
Paint brush
Popsicle stick, chopstick toothpick, or other object to scrape paint.
Construction paper or cardstock to display art work.
What You Do:
Tape a piece of tin foil to a piece of cardboard or kitchen cutting board.
Add a couple of drops of liquid dish wash soap (i used 1/2 tablespoon) to a small amount of tempera (or acrylic) paint (1 tabelspoon). PHOTO 1
Brush paint and soap mixture over the entire piece of foil PHOTO 2
Let dry. Do this ahead of planned class so it can dry or use a hairdryer to dry faster. A thick layer is best. PHOTO 3
Children use the popsicle stick, carefully scrape a design into the paint.Eg. draw themselves, a flower or something they think is beautiful. PHOTO 4
Glue the finished piece to a sheet of construction paper or cardstock for display.
2. Engraving activity using Paper
What You Need:
1/4 page of regular printer paper or cardstock for each child coloured wax crayons black wax crayons or black Tempera or acrylic paint, I used paint.
Popsicle stick, chopstick toothpick, or other object to scrape paint.
What You Do: Cover the whole page with a variety of coloured wax crayons, but not black if possible. Try not leave any parts of the page white. Use the black wax crayon ( great if you don't want to wait for drying time. ) or black paint to colour over all the coloured crayon area. Use a sharp object to scratch a pattern or a picture into the black layer, revealing the colours underneath.