The Burlington Children Class did a service project at Ayyam-i-Ha for the local animal shelter that was easy for all age groups to get involved; from the very young to the elderly. This project can be done at any time of the year. A nice easy project for Naw-Rúz and Ridvan that the children can plan.

The follow steps will help make organizing a service project like this super simple.
Call the local animal shelter to see what items they are accepting. In Burlington it was blankets.
Confirm the age of children that they allow. In Burlington they allowed all ages.
Confirm a time that you can drop the items off and if the children can have a tour. Most shelters allow you to come with a soft appointment date, so if you tell them a day and time range they are flexible.
Once you have the information from the animal shelter, reach out to the community and include them in the service project to collect the items you need. We got blankets from many people including neighbours.
You could then put all that you collected into a big garbage bag, but our children tied the blankets with string and used the gift tags below . Our gift tags were larger than the ones I have here, they were 11in x 7in that the children decorated.
The photo on top is what we printed to present to the animal shelter . All the kids can write their names and which community it is from.
Make sure you take photos to show your community at the next feast!
Here are the Tags with the quote to print and cut. the plain tag can be decorated with paint or crayons.
If you would like the presentation photo, subscribe to my blog and request Kindness to Animals.